PCI Express X16 e X1 con del nastro isolante

Intel ha riposto la sua fiducia nelle schede grafiche PCI Express, ma qual è il vero guadagno prestazionale ? Abbiamo cimentato le schede top di gamma di ATI e NVIDIA in alcuni test, effettuati con le diverse modalità messe a disposizione dal PCI Express.

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PCI Express X16 a X1 con del nastro isolante

This is how a PCIe graphics card with only 8 workable lanes looks.

PCIe x8

Here is the same card with only 4 lanes.

PCIe x4

Even though PCIe is not intended to run at x2, we tried it anyways - it works without problems.

PCIe x2

In case of x2 PCIe, front and back side have to be taped differently - accuracy is important here.

Per il PCIe x2 i contatti devono essere coperti in maniera differente sui due lati

Last but not least, x1 PCI Express. It is definitely too slow for a graphics card, but in order to get a complete picture we included those results as well.

PCIe x1

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