Configurazione di prova, tempo di mantenimento e test accensione

Recensione - Test dell'alimentatore Seasonic X-400, senza ventole offre sufficiente potenza e non scalda troppo.

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Configurazione di prova

Configurazione di prova
Fonte AC Chroma Programmable AC Source 6530
Misuratore potenza Yokogawa WT210 Digital Power Meter
Carico 4x 600 W Chroma 63306 for 12 V testing

4x 300 W Chroma 63303 for 5 and 3.3 V testing

using Chroma HighSpeed- DC Load Mainframes 6334 

Oscilloscopio Tektronix DPO3034 Digital Phosphore Oscilloscope (300 MHz)
Procedura di test
Voltaggio 110 and 230 V
Potenza in standby 0.25 A fixed current to simulate PC standby power

on 5 Vsb

Test Efficienza 80plus 100/50/20% load, relative to specified total output

Load distribution across 12/5/3.3V rails at the same proportion as specified for 100%

testing at 110 V according to ATX 2.3 specification

Efficienza con carichi fissi 25, 50, 85, 300, 500 W loads

Load distribution across 12/5/3.3 V rails at the same proportion as specified for 100%

Test picco di carico 110% Overload Testing at maximum combined 12 V
Test temperatura
Air intake vs. Outtake temperature delta
tracking highest delta during all tests

Tempo di mantenimento

Test accensione

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