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a cura di Manolo De Agostini

Disponibili a questo indirizzo nuovi driver Realtek 6.21 WHQL per chipset RTL8139/811x/816x/810x. Supportano Windows 2000, Windows 64bit, Windows 98 second edition, Windows ME e Windows XP.

Release Notes:

Command: 1. Added new Windows XP 64-bit driver.

For RTL8169 CardBus only:

1. Fixed surprised unplug issue under Windows 98SE

2. Fixed NetBIOS over TCP/IP issue under Windows 2000

For RTL8139C+:

1. Fixed the side effect of Ver. 5.615.0716.2004

For RTL8169/8110:

1. Synchronized the LED with RTL8139 under sleeping mode

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