Avatar di Manolo De Agostini

a cura di Manolo De Agostini

Disponibile una nuova release BETA per MSN Messenger 7, precisamente la versione 7.0.0332.

Top fixes in this version:

- Contact list spacing issues (used to occur when a contact had a long display name or an emoticon in it);

- Right-clicking Get this emoticon on a Premium (i.e. Blue Mountain®) emoticon would crash;

- Spelling correction: "sent" vs. "send" when sending a nudge to an older client;

- Pinned emoticons now shows 60/60;

- Crying face emoticon :'( and disappointed emoticon now appear differently in the emoticon dropdown menu;

- Close and Minimize buttons are hidden only at the smallest width of the main window when in frameless mode.


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