Benchmark e Impostazioni

La versione Pro del chipset 9100 IGP di ATi è carica di nuove caratteristiche. Basteranno una migliorata compatibilità di memoria, migliori prestazioni AGP e una nuova progettazione del Southbridge per competere testa a testa con l'imminente chipset 915 di Intel?

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Benchmark e Impostazioni

Benchmark e Impostazioni


Quake III Team Arena Version 1.32
640x480 - 32 Bit
Timedemo1 / demo thg3
"custom timedemo"
Graphics detail = Normal
Wolfenstein Version: 2.55
Enemy Territory 1024x786, 32 Bit
timedemo 1 / demo demo4
Graphics detail = Normal
DirectX 7
3DMark 2001 SE Version 1.1 - Patch Build 330
1024x786 - 32 bit, Default Benchmark
DirectX 8
Comanche 4 Demo 1024 x 768 / 32 bit / Audio = off
Unreal Tournament 2004 Version 2206
640x480, 32 Bit
1024x768, 32 Bit
Audio = off
Texture Detail = Normal
Character Detail = Normal
World Detail = Highest
Physics Detail = High
all = on, Decal Stay = High
DirectX 9
3DMark 2003 Version 3.3.0
Graphics and CPU Default Benchmark
1024x786, 32 Bit
X2-The Threat Rolling Demo - benchmark
Graphic Settings: all off
1024x768, 32 Bit (X8R8G8B8)
Mainconcept MPEG Encoder Version 1.3.1
1.2 GB DV to MPEG II
(720x576, Audio) converting
XMPEG 5.0.3 Intel: Otimized SEE2 iDCT
DivX 5.10 Pro Audio: off
Psychovisual Enhancements: off
Resize: 720x576
Restore Defaults
780 kbps
feedback windows: off
XMPEG 5.0.3 Custom Size = 100 MB
AutoGK 1.12b Fixed Width = 640
CBR MP3 = 192kbps
Windows Media Encoder 9 Version:
436 MB AVI File convert to WMV
Windows Media server (streaming)
Lame MP3 Encoder Version 3.93.1
65 minutes/44.100 KHz wave file (688,4 MB)
to mp3
Winrar Version 3.20
178 MB Wave file, Compression = Best
Dictionary = 4096 KB
Newtek Lightwave Version 7.5c - Build 572
Render First Frame = 1
Render Last Frame = 60
Render Frame Step = 1
Rendering Bench
Show Rendering in Progress = 320x240
Ray Trace Shadows, Reflection
Refraction, Transparency = on
Multithreading = 8 Threads
Maxon Computer Version 8.100
Cinema 4D XL 8 Rendering in 1028 x 1024, "Stairs.c4d"
Discreet Characters "Dragon_Charater_rig"
3D Studio Max 5.1 Rendering Single, 1024x768
PCMark 2004 Version 1.10
CPU and Memory Tests

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