In recent days, we had the privilege of being able to interview Andrew E.C. Gaska, the lead writer for story and setting of ALIEN RPG, the award-winning official RPG of the ALIEN franchise by the Swedish publisher Free League Publishing. He is, in fact, the signature on Chariot of the Gods and Destroyer of Worlds, the two Cinematic Scenarios released so far and on the very recent Colonial Marines Operations Manual, which we reviewed a month ago. Beyond that, Andrew E.C. Gaska is also a consultant for 20th Century Fox regarding the continuity and canon of the ALIEN brand and other major franchises, as well as being an acclaimed science fiction writer.
So let's go back to the interview, in which interesting topics emerged such as the management of the canon of a famous brand and the future of ALIEN RPG.
Intervie to Andrew E.C. Gaska
Hi Andrew, thank you for your time. We know that as well as being the lead writer and setting writer for ALIEN RPG, you are an acclaimed writer of Sci-Fi novels and that you also have a prolific career in the world of comics, as well as being a consultant for 20th Century Fox for the continuity and canon of the ALIEN, Predator and Planet of the Apes brands. Please, tell us a little more about yourself.
When did you approach the world of roleplaying games? When did you start writing for roleplaying games and what prompted you to become involved in games creation?
Being the holder of the canon and continuity of such important brands that gather a large number of enthusiasts must be a considerable responsibility. How do you relate to the expectations, tastes and even the demands of the fans, who are sometimes too fussy?
The films and the game Alien Isolation are Tier one canon. After that, everything is Tier 2 (expanded canon) or lower. The best way to incorporate as much as possible is to implement what I call “barroom canon,” which allows everything to fit within the context of “the version of the story you read was overheard by someone talking to someone else that was told by their drunk cousin about the event.”
This leaves room for it to may or may not be true, as per your personal head canon. Most fans have been happy with the approach, because it gives them free reign to determine what they consider the truth while still establishing a canon framework around it. I am very active with the fans, I love to talk to Alien. Every now and then there is an angry fan who wants to know who the hell am I to tell them what is canon?
The answer to that is simple: I'm just the guy they hired to figure it out and make recommendations. I then report back on the final word as approved. The only thing different about me is that I stuck through this as a career despite all the ups and downs that make most people seek more stable employment than the creative industry offers.
The history of science fiction and horror is full of menacing aliens and threats from outer space, what do you think is the reason that has led ALIEN to be so successful, since the first Ridley Scott film?
Regarding the canon of ALIEN, how do you move through the large number of movies, novels, comics, video games and technical manuals released over the years?
Can we consider all the material contained in the ALIEN RPG manuals canon?
For the curiosity of our readers, is there a published list of what is and what is not canon regarding the ALIEN brand?
I update it as new info comes in, so I recommend bookmarking it to check back.
Let's focus now on ALIEN RPG, we know that you are the lead writer about the game setting and the plot of Chariot of the Gods and Destroyer of Worlds, the two Cinematic Scenarios released until now. You are also the author of the Colonial Marines Operations Manual, that I have just reviewed and that it’s really a masterpiece. What were the biggest challenges you faced in developing all these manuals?
In my review, I wrote that the Colonial Marines Operations Manual is something like two products in one that intersect with each other: a sourcebook where you can find a wealth of information on the iconic Marines and the history and geopolitical situation of the Frontier, and a manual of campaign all about the Marines. The result is something immense and amazing, in terms of the volume of the book and the amount of information. Do you think this is an acceptable definition? What was the choice to enclose all this in a single product, instead of dividing it into multiple publications?
I had actually recommended they make it two books, but Free League likes to make each book have stuff for everyone in it, so this made more sense.
What inspires you when you are about to write material for ALIEN RPG or other media related to the ALIEN brand?
We saw that with Chariots of the Gods, a story arc began and continued into Destroyer of Worlds. The campaign featured in Colonial Marines Operations Manual takes its cue from what happened in the latest Cinematic Scenario and takes the narrative further. What should we expect for the future? Can you give us some indiscretions on where this story arc will go?
Its my intent to tell continuing stories that affect the greater Alien universe that will have ramifications in other ALIEN products. Aliens Fireteam is a great example; they mention the Frontier War from the Colonial Marines Operations Manual in the game.
Were you in any way involved in adapting the Year Zero Engine rule system to the ALIEN RPG setting?
As a writer and storyteller, what advice can you give to the Italian Game Mothers to make the best of the ALIEN atmosphere during the ALIEN RPG game sessions?
Most RPGs players at one time or another try to create their own game world, often with disappointing results. What advice can you give to those who are about to take on the role of the creator of worlds? What elements are essential to make an interesting setting?
Seriously, I do creative consultation on things like that (feel free to reach out to me on FB if you are interested in that).
Generally speaking: Story comes first. If you are making a new world, the best advice is to create a world around a story, not a story around a world.
If you are using a pre-existing universe (like ALIEN), remember that that world started with its own story first. Its now up to you to find the untapped and untold story potential that the world suggests just by its existence.
Do you have any other ALIEN RPG projects in the works? If so, in what direction will they push the setting and story of ALIEN RPG?
What will your future projects be? Any other projects related to the world of roleplaying games?
Are you playing any RPGs right now?
Thanks again Andrew for your time and your friendliness